Hello Inquiring Minds!

Welcome to the blog! Let me tell you a little about how I got to this point.

When I was a kid, I recall my mom often saying she thought I would be a good doctor. We would donate blood together when I was old enough and would talk about the amazing human body, what we know about it, how man can intervene and cure disease, treat ailments and support the natural healing processes each human possesses. They were great and inspiring discussions. Additionally, my dad had some pretty big run-ins with healthcare when I was in junior high having had a heart attack and needing bypass. He came through fantastically and I considered what was done for him medically and surgically nothing short of a miracle (even in my little seventh grade level of understanding).

In high school, I had a biology teacher who opened my mind further and instilled a passion in me for the sciences as we studied not only the miraculous living world, but also spent a significant amount of time learning human biology, organ systems and physiology. He, too, made comments that I would be a good doctor if I chose to follow that path.

As college began, my intention was to go to medical school, and I planned out the classes that would get me there. Turns out freshman year is a bad time to take a heavy load of science classes though 😬. There are just so many other amazing things to do besides study all the time! Fortunately, when I turned 19, I chose to spend 2 years as a volunteer missionary for my church. I was assigned to serve in the country of Uruguay. To say it was a life-changing experience is an understatement. It gave me a chance to learn who I was, serve people and learn a culture I didn’t know, mature in my relationship with God and to better create goals for the life I hoped to live, and person I hoped to become.

When I got home, I had a new perspective and determination when it came to learning. I also realized that I really loved the Spanish language and was pretty good at it too! I made Spanish my major while taking the required pre-med classes. Then there came a point when I questioned my original plan. Should I go to med school? Or should I get a Master’s, then PhD in Spanish and teach on a University level? I knew the consequences of that decision–where I would/could live, how I would provide for my family, what skills/talents I’d be able to employ, etc, etc–would be life altering. So I pondered, studied out the pros and cons of each, prayed about it, counseled with my wife about it, and ultimately determined I would pursue medicine because of the myriad of opportunities and experiences that would accompany that decision. It’s not to say becoming a Spanish professor wouldn’t have amazing opportunities and experiences as well, but considering my personality and visions of what life could be for me and my family, medicine won out.

It’s also worth mentioning that, quite frankly, I didn’t completely trust the medical and doctoring world. Truth is, I felt a need, in part, to pursue medicine simply so I would know how to take care of myself and my family and friends.

With that in mind, I have sought throughout my perpetually ongoing education to try to determine what the best way to do things is. Sometimes how something is done is simply a matter of professional opinion. Often times it depends on the circumstance and individual as even cases of similar pathology can at times require different approaches. But my experience has been that, especially with first aid and emergency care, there often is a best way to do things.

So here we are. I’ve started this website and blog to share with you what I’ve learned. I’m not here to tell you what to do or to replace your relationship with your doctor (please see the big disclaimer below!). What I share is to provide increased understanding and maybe an idea or two. Use it in prudence and wisdom. And hopefully in the process, I’ll be able to inspire a greater appreciation for the human body, a truly miraculous creation!